Precision Epoxy Products
"Your Complete Epoxy Source” ™
division of: Rock Art, Ltd.
"Professionals of Epoxy Applications” ™
Precision Epoxy Flooring
Shop Flooring, Industrial Flooring
Metallic, Quartz or Color Flake Flooring
The Original 'Performance Flooring'
Precision Epoxy Flooring
True Epoxy Flooring from Precision Epoxy Products
Serving the MotorSports Industry, Commercial and Residential Markets with our complete line of performance flooring systems. All of our precision flooring systems can be professionally installed or applied by the Do-It-Yourselfer. Precision Epoxy offers several options of floor coatings to meet your needs and budget. Other typical uses for commercial or residential applications are: garage floors; aircraft hangers; automotive shops; machine shops; kitchen or commissary areas; basements; play rooms; bathroom or shower areas; medical environments; food processing facilities; chemical plants; containment areas; photo labs; laboratories; paper or fabric mills; general industrial buildings or multi-purpose rooms.
A seamless design, maximum performance floor finish with high strength properties, long range durability, outstanding chemical and impact resistance, extreme ease of cleaning and unparalleled substrate protection. All this with the added bonus of cosmetic value.
Our epoxies are true 2-component, 100% solids, zero VOC, solvent free 'Old School' epoxies (nothing water based). Since 1970 we have been providing that personal touch to all our professional installations. No one has offered epoxy flooring to the Do-it-Yourself Market longer than Precision Epoxy and we provide the most knowledgeable technical support available to the Do-It-Yourselfer 24/7.
All of our Precision Epoxy Flooring Systems
will make a major and long lasting change of environment
to the most used thing in your shop - The Floor !
Precision Epoxy Flooring
The following flooring options offer all of the advantages listed above. The main difference between these flooring choices will be material cost, installation time and structural value. Additional variations can be applied.
Option One
The 4-step TC-200 Broadcast Floor System: This is our top of the line shop flooring. It is a pigmented system available in 14 standard colors with custom colors available upon request. This floor system has been used in shops nationwide with applications in all types of environments and climates. The TC-200 broadcast system is applied in four steps to achieve one of the most durable epoxy floor coatings available anywhere. The system starts with a flexible penetrating primer that saturates into the concrete or wood sub-strate and absorbs thermal movement. The second step is a roller applied high strength clear epoxy that has a fine silica sand broadcast into it; this aids in compressive strength and gives the floor system it's structural thickness. The third and fourth steps are the pigmented top coat epoxies creating a smooth, high gloss floor coating that is 1/8th inch (125 mils) thick.
Option Two
Color Flake - Precision Epoxy Flooring
The 5-step TC-200 Color Flake Floor System: This system installs similar to the 4-step system above and continues with the broadcast installation of the colored flakes into the final TC-200 top coat to give the floor an added dimension with a variety of color blends available to create a Terrazzo type appearance. The floor then receives a final clear 2-part urethane top coat in gloss or satin finish or the SFC-195 Epoxy to complete the floor system. The color flakes can also be added to the TC-200 installations described in Options 5 and 6 with the addition of a clear top coat for a less expensive installation.
Option Three
The 4-step granular Quartz Flooring System: This system is structurally the same as the TC-200 Broadcast Floor System above, while offering a cosmetic alternative to the TC-200 pigmented epoxy appearance. Choosing from a variety of available color combinations, the Quartzite System combines multi-colored aggregates permanently embedded into our tough, clear Floor Sealer Epoxy. The appearance is a much warmer, more modern look that will make that attached carport seem like another room in the house. Options 1 thru 3 are sound investments for upgrading property that you own.
Precision Epoxy Flooring Quartz System with optional Cove Base
Option Four
The 3-step Metallic Epoxy Floor System : This system has a modern look that resembles stained concrete; however, it offers distinct advantages and can be applied in situations where substrate is not suitable for acceptance of concrete staining.
Option Five
The 3-step TC-200 Broadcast Floor System: This system omits the IG-100 flexible penetrating primer epoxy which is the 1st step of the 4-step floor system in option one. The 3-step system would be considered in applications where thermal shock to the floor is not present in the application environment.
TC-200 - Precision Epoxy Flooring
Option Six
The 2-step TC-200 Floor System: This is simply a base coat and cosmetic coat of the TC-200 epoxy in the color of your choice. This system will provide the same cosmetics and sub-strate protection as options one and three with less structural value (how easily it chips when dropping heavy tools, for example). The 2-step system saves time and materials and is ideal for upgrading property that you are renting or leasing.
Option Seven
The 1-step FS-190 Sealer System: The easiest and most inexpensive way to achieve substrate protection and ease of cleaning with minimal cosmetic value. FS-190 is a thixotropic system and when applied at the recommended 130 square feet per gallon, yields a tough floor coating that is 12 mils thick. If you have new concrete, you should be applying this system if nothing else to protect the floor before using.
Precision Epoxy Flooring
Key Benefits of Precision Epoxy Flooring:
· Substrate Protection
· Ease of Cleaning
· Chemical Resistance
· Seamless Design
· Will not support any algae, fungus or mildew growth
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Note: Precision Epoxy™ is a Registered Brand Name of Rock Art, Ltd. (registered in 1986). Accept no substitutes of inferior products by unauthorized companies that try to represent themselves as equals by using the term 'Precision Epoxy' in their name or products they offer. Rock Art, Ltd is the only source offering the true original performance that is ‘Precision Epoxy Flooring’ !
Precision Epoxy Flooring
Precision Epoxy Products
division of: Rock Art, Ltd.
4279 Midway Drive
Douglasville, Georgia 30134
Phone: (770) 489-0340
Email: [email protected]
Notice: All Photographs and Text in this web-site are Copyrighted and are the sole possession of Rock Art, Ltd.
Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited by law. Violations will be treated appropriately.